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I should really remember to write. But I write so much, I should really remember to make.

Life is a never-ending to-do list

Blog posts will be taken from my Instagram feed to make life eaiser…

At the Table: Storied objects at The MAC, Belfast.

Meeting the participants and their families, partners and friends at The MAC saw us finish the Stories Objects project with a bang. Aime from The Rainbow Project arranged a place with The MAC as part of their At the Table programme. The MAC says:

At The Table aims to challenge who is and isn’t invited to “the table” where decisions that determine our lives are made.

The exhibition showcases the work we have co-designed with our Associate Partners who work to combat some of society’s most pressing issues and inequalities – Alliance for Choice, Action Mental Health, The Rainbow Project, Extern and Participation and the Practice of Rights (PPR). Our ethos is to reflect current approaches towards integrating collective activity and making community empowerment more visible in the art world.

A community table will cut through the length of the gallery acting as an invitation to actively participate in the programme - whilst also providing a space for social interaction and communal dining.

Read more about the programme here: At the Table

It was lovely to get together one last time to see everyone and have everyone leave with their objects. I was kindly allowed to keep one of the participants’ objects as a memento. It was exciting to hear that The Rainbow Project are planning to auction part of the ‘oh shit’ sculpture off to raise money for Belfast’s Trans Resource Centre and to have other parts of the sculpture exhibited at other organisations that support or fight for trans people’s rights throughout the UK. Couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome.

Loved seeing a photo of Frida putting her new plate to good use…

Beverley Irving